As a user-led organisation the Leeds Society for Deaf and Blind People strives to resolve promptly any issues relating to members of staff or the provision of services.
This is usually done informally by discussing queries and problems immediately with a member of staff or Service Manager.
If this fails to resolve a complaint the following formal complaints procedure is available to Service Users, Service Users’ families and carers, partners and stakeholders, and members of the public.
1. Complaints should be sent to the Chair of the Society. (Complaints can be in writing, braille, and audio tape or BSL video). The Society can make the necessary facilities available.
2. The Chair will acknowledge receipt of the complaint within 24 hours and allocate a member of the Senior Management Team to investigate the complaint.
3. The Chair will attempt to give a final response to the complaint within 28 days.
4. If the complainant is dissatisfied with the Chair’s response and is unable to resolve the issue, they may escalate the complaint to the Management Committee (Trustees).
5. If this does not result in a satisfactory resolution the complainant may ask for the complaint to be reviewed by the Management Committee (Board of Trustees). The findings and decisions of the Management Committee are final.
6. Complaints concerning the Chair should be referred to the Management Committee.
Jason Hixon
Senior Management Team
Melissa Barker-Simpson Accessibility Manager
Alison Miller HR & Finance Manager
Zoe Major Facilities, Contracts and Development Manager
Chair of Management Committee
Jason Hixon
All Contact and Correspondence should be made via the Accessibility Manager (Melissa Barker-Simpson)
Leeds Society for Deaf and Blind People
The Centre
St Mary’s Street
Telephone Number 0113 2438328
Text/Video calls 07563 382616