There are few, if any, other voluntary societies which provide services for Deaf, Blind and DeafBlind people. The reputation of The Leeds Society for Deaf and Blind People is virtually without equal in this regard, and the benefit of our advice, opinion and experience is sought by people throughout the UK. The Society recognises that its partnership with the NHS has been a significant factor in this success.

The Society continually strives to improve access for the Deaf, Blind and DeafBlind communities of Leeds.  This is achieved by listening to our members and service users and working with them to develop. By consultation and cooperation, we shall ensure that we enable each person to have the opportunity of choice, leading to achieving their personal potential and independent living.




Openspace, a registered CIC and non-profit, is a specialized day service for Deaf or non-verbal adults with additional needs. They provide a welcoming, creative environment focused on social therapy, helping service users develop communication skills through British Sign Language. This helps to reduce isolation, and improve health and wellbeing. Their dedicated staff empower individuals to live as independently as possible.

In 2025, the team at Open Space hope to organize a group holiday for 17 service users, many of whom have never travelled abroad. Fully supported by 9 trained staff, this experience could be life-changing, offering social connections, confidence building, and improved mental health. Some service users cannot afford this opportunity, so they are seeking funding or donations to make this dream a reality. The estimated cost is £900 per person.

“Chris, who has Cerebral Palsy, lives alone and has never been abroad. Openspace is where he feels accepted, communicating in BSL and enjoying new experiences. A holiday would be a dream come true.”

“Chloe, also with Cerebral Palsy, attends Openspace daily and has never been on holiday. A huge Leeds United fan, she’s thrilled by the idea of traveling with her friends from Openspace.”


Sycamore Gap – 49 Trees of Hope recipients | National Trust

To read more information on this, click the link below. Alternatively email us at /


From the 28 of April 2023 Sign Live (a remote interpreting telephone relay service) will be available at the Leeds Teaching Hospitals. This provision was set-up in cooperation with the Trust to bridge the gap during emergency situations. All staff in the Accident and Emergency departments will have access to Sign Live for Deaf patients who require access to an interpreter. It is understood that a face-to-face interpreter is always preferred, but at short notice, or during an emergency, a remote interpreter will be available through Sign Live. For more information, click here, where you will also find a video on how to download the Sign Live app.

Breakdown Advice from National Highways

Below is a BSL version of the breakdown advice provided by National Highways.

You can also access Sign Live in the event of a breakdown. For more information, please click on the link below.

Updates from Sign Health

Macmillan Deaf Cancer Support Project is led by a Deaf team and provides virtual emotional and practical support to Deaf people experiencing Cancer.


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Our charity number is: 227169

Hours and Information

The Centre, The Leeds Society for Deaf and Blind People,

St Mary’s Street, The Centre, Leeds, LS9 7DP, GB

0113 2438328

Monday 09:00 – 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 – 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 – 17:00
Thursday 09:00 – 17:00
Friday 09:00 – 16:30