Leeds  – Interpreting Workshop with Clive Mason


Part 1: Thinking Visually – Saturday, 19th January 2019.
Part 2: Visual Flair – Sunday, 20th January 2019

Venue: Leeds Society for the Deaf and Blind People, The Centre Street, Leeds, LS9 7DP

Time: 10:00-16:00
Trainer: Clive Mason
Suitable for: TSLI and RSLI – whether Constructed Action and Dialogue are new to you, or you would like a refresher.

Cost:  £120 per day – CPD 6 hours or
Special Price: £210 for 2 days – CPD 12 hours

Part 1: Thinking Visually: A Constructed Action Constructed Dialogue
If a picture paints a thousand words then interpreters are artists!
Conveying complex concepts in BSL can be a challenge and it can be hard to manage the unwanted influence of English when interpreting.

Part 2: Visual Flair: Mastering Constructed Action Constructed Dialogue
A follow up workshop for interpreters who have attended “Thinking Visually: A CA and CD Workshop”.
Say goodbye to words and immerse yourself in a visual world.

For further details and a registration form to book, please email: clivewgmason@gmail.com

Clive Mason – Workshop (CPD)
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