Leeds – Stop Removing Accessible Hackney Carriage Taxi Ranks Campaign
Gathering of people with disabilities, Unite the Union and Leeds taxi drivers.
Plan and Timelines for Tuesday 14th September 2021 – 11:30hrs to 15:00hrs
At 11:30hrs, all those who are able to attend and support on the day (Disabled Community peers, Unite the Union Reps, Hackney Carriage taxi drivers) should plan to arrive at the car park to the rear of the Civic Hall (opposite the Rose Bowl) to gather and collect leaflets/placards. We can then disperse to the two entrances to the Civic Hall to engage and distribute information to Councillors. This action can continue up to the Council meeting starting at 13:00hrs.
Prior to the start of the meeting all present may go into the Civic Hall to enter the public area within the Council Chamber. We understand and appreciate the protocol is not to cheer or pass comments whilst any Deputation is being given. We understand there are other Deputations being made on the day and the exact time of our Deputation is to be confirmed.
Please note: Around 12:30hrs, prior to the start of the Council meeting, the group of six members who are making the Deputation (Mary, Hilary, Eileen, Emma, Phil and Tim) will enter the Civic Hall to report to the Ushers and receive instructions.
Following our Deputation to the Lord Mayor, we will leave the Council Chamber and assemble in the outer chamber to speak with any Councillors who may wish to discuss our Deputation. (Possibly 10 to 20 minutes)
STAGE TWO: (Attending the Justice and Equality March to Millennium Square)
At 13:30hrs (approximately) those who can remain, should then head outside from the Civic Hall and reassemble in the public space at the Portland Crescent Area, near to the Civic Hall reception entrance. Around this time we hope to also be joined by night and day drivers and representatives from the Hackney Carriage Taxi Trade to join the March to Millennium Square.
At 14:00hrs (approximately) we will set off and march together in an orderly procession from Portland Crescent, heading towards Millennium Square. Several members will be carrying placards, banners and distributing information to members to help raise public awareness of the related equality issues. We will have an appropriate chant i.e. “Don`t move – the Taxi Rank” on our way to Millennium Square. In view of diversity and disability access, mobility, support and personal adjustment needs we will move at a safe, very leisurely and unhurried pace. The procession may take around 10 minutes.
When all are assembled on Millennium Square we hope that assembled press and news media will take comments, interviews and video. Also, speakers from Unite the Union, Hackney Carriage Taxi Drivers and members of the peer-led disability community will highlight why action is needed to stop this intolerable attack on the equality and social inclusion of many older and disabled taxi passengers who rely on the door-to-door public transport service.
At 14:45hrs, a small deputation will deliver the findings of the Unite the Union Passenger Survey and a letter for the Council Leader, Cllr James Lewis that sets out why urgent action is required to resolve this socially damaging and unjust situation.
By 15:00hrs our `Gathering` will end and disperse for some well-earned `refreshments` (and we can start to organise our next Millennium Square ` Justice and Equality Gathering`.
It is truly appreciated that as a result of age, disability, carer and support needs that many older and disabled members will be unable to join us on the day, but all their expertise and support is very much appreciated and please circulate this information to all community peers for information and invite. If you are able to attend any part of the event, we look forward to seeing you.
Further Details text or call 078 4747 5942. Thank You. (Locations Map Copied Below)